Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Good morning to all you Beach Bums and Surfers out there! :) You can pick which one you are. Today I am a total beach bum. I have a serious case of bed head and totally am totally content vegging out on the couch with my coffee and laptop. :)

Today I thought I'd share another fun Web 2.0 tool with you called VoiceThread. VoiceThread allows you to create a collaborative presentation using visual and audio media. You can upload scanned pictures, documents (like Powerpoints), or video. Other VoiceThread users can comment on your work as well. In general, VT is free, but there is a paid membership option which gives you more bells & whistles to work with. I've embedded my research project for my Master's degree as an example for you guys. I apologize in advance if I stutter or flub up my words. ;)

So you know what time it is now! It's comment time! How do you see yourself using VoiceThread in instruction? For me, I think this would be great as a way for students to collaborate in a digital storytelling project. Each student can illustrate a page of their story and tell it on the VoiceThread. 

It's your turn! And.... GO! 

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